Personalised Collection and Delivery Service
07889 126050 (Bath, Surrey and South London)

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Link to: Bespoke Picture Framing

Paul Webb is a qualified bespoke picture framer with over 20 years’ experience, and a professional watercolour artist and illustrator.

Artwork Creations, located in Bath and Surrey, provide a bespoke framing service to enhance and protect your pictures and cherished keep-sakes, commissioned pencil drawings or watercolour artworks are also undertaken.

Link to: Art Commissions

Learn how to frame at our training school

Link to: Picture Frame Training

turning your memories into works of art

I collect prints on trips to the USA and I am often advised to have them framed by the gallery that I purchase them from, but although their quality is good, it is nothing like the attention to detail that you put into your framing. You take time to understand where I will be displaying them, the colours in the prints and what other works they will be near, thus ensuring that they all fit in perfectly. The quality of the finish is better than I have seen in many a high class gallery. You really are a master craftsman.

“Paul framed a map for me, just before Christmas…. he managed to pull out all the stops and do a marvellous job… The quality and detail of his work is exemplary and he is such a nice, decent person to deal with. I’m a very happy customer.”

“Massive thank you for the outstanding work that you have done in mounting my medals. I would never have imagined that they could look quite so spectacular and I was truly overwhelmed! You really have a talent… thanks a million!”

“We are delighted with the transformations your clever work has achieved… In the case of the ‘Venice’ pastel, the result is particularly brilliant, turning what after all is a rather modest work, into a piece of art I’m rather proud now to exhibit.”

“Thought you would like to know, my husband and boys were blown away with the pictures you framed, they are going to take pride of place in our lounge, many many thanks!”